Why some folks with Lyme do not get better?

 I am going to start off on the cliche side.  I know, I know, boooo. And here it goes. You have all heard of the expression you can’t pour from an empty cup, right? Or here is another favorite.  You have to put your oxygen mask on first.  Or… There are lots of them out […]

The Link Between Lyme Disease and Diet

Did you know that Lyme Disease is on the rise in North America? In fact, it is now considered to be one of the most common infections in the United States. While there are many factors that can contribute to the development of Lyme Disease, researchers are beginning to look at diet as a potential […]

Suicide Prevention month

I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘suicide prevention month’, but did you know that September is actually an important date for many reasons? For one thing, it marks 0 deaths by suicide in America every year – how amazing is this!? Suicide isn’t just something to be overlooked or ignored forever. The more people who […]

Are grains causing your Autoimmune issues?

grain causing autoimmune issue

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body attacks itself. The autoimmune system is intended to protect us against foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. However, with autoimmune disease, the body mistakes healthy cells for threats and attacks them. This can lead to chronic inflammation and a host of other problems. Though the exact cause of the […]

Is detoxing right for you?

Is detoxing right for you? the lyme boss

If you’re like most people, you probably think of detoxing as a way to flush out your system after a night of drinking. But there’s more to detoxing than just cleansing your body of toxins. Detoxing can also help improve your health by removing harmful pollutants and chemicals from your environment. So is detoxing right […]

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

 Good afternoon, beautiful people, Heather Gray here with Discovering Health. And today I’m going to give you five tips for surviving the holidays. When it comes to mindset, food and beverage intake, not so much on how to handle your horrible mother-in-law or in my case, your own mother. LOL I digress. Front-load your water. […]