What does it mean to invest in yourself?

Hello beautiful people. What have you spent? Last year I spent close to $15,000 on my health. This year I’ve spent about the same, if not a little bit more. And I wouldn’t have been able to do this, if I didn’t finally learn how to love myself and realize that I was my most […]
10 rituals to help you lose weight and boost your energy

I often say that… …“in order to have your ideal health and weight, you have to learn how to navigate life differently.” Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. So if you’re “doing all the right things” but not getting the results you want, […]
What Foods are Right for you?

What Foods are Right for you? Eating right for your body will include healthy foods, but not all healthy foods are right for your body. When you’re eating the right diet AND foods for your body, naturally you will feel more uplifted, motivated, energetic and lean. AND when you feel this way, making food choices […]