Is it Mold or Lyme? Watch here to learn more.
Sometimes it can be hard to figure out if it is Lyme or Mold. Watch this video my awesome colluge and freind did on this subject. I love using Vibrant Labs in my practice. Sometimes I do not run labs at all. Read my blog below to learn more about that. It can be tough […]
Beyond Treatment: Unleashing the Power of Mindset
Using Mindset, Lifestyle and diet to overcome Lyme and autoimmune disease. Are you tired of chasing endless treatments for Lyme disease with limited success? It’s time to shift the paradigm and explore a holistic approach to healing. In this blog post, we will uncover the transformative journey of putting Lyme disease into remission by shifting […]
Unlocking the Secret Link: Dental Hygiene and Chronic Lyme.
Did you know that maintaining good dental hygiene can go beyond just a dazzling smile? In this blog post, we’re diving into the fascinating connection between dental hygiene, chronic inflammation, and diseases like Lyme. Ladies, ages 35 to 65, buckle up as we uncover how taking care of your pearly whites can help keep those […]
The Controversy Surrounding Chronic Lyme Disease
As someone who suffers from Chronic Lyme Disease, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to live with this enigmatic illness. Despite affecting millions of people worldwide, Chronic Lyme is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, leading to frustration and confusion for both patients and doctors. The symptoms can vary widely and mimic other illnesses, making […]